
快鱼网 20 0









tlchgtime : 0.066 #Tool Change Time (* in Minutes *) I'ts 4 sec now


ttltime : 0 #Total operation time tltime : 0 #Feed time trtime : 0 #Rapid time total : 0 #Total machine time tot_ltime : 0 #Total FEED time tot_rtime : 0 #Total RAPID time


len : 0 #Length for calculation dx : 0 #Delta x dy : 0 #Delta y dz : 0 #Delta z


drill_length_r : 0 # Drill length - RAPID drill_length_f : 0 # Drill length - FEED actual_drl_depth : 0 # Actual drill depth variable peck_safe_dist : 0.3 # Peck/Chip break safe distance for retratct into hole


use_TC_pos : yes$ # Calculate with Home positions @ TC? 0=No, 1=Yes sav_X_Pos : 0 # Saved X position, use X_home/Y_home/Z_home in rapids at TC sav_Y_Pos : 0 # Saved Y position, use X_home/Y_home/Z_home in rapids at TC sav_Z_Pos : 0 # Saved Z position, use X_home/Y_home/Z_home in rapids at TC


time_format : 2 # Time format of output times in NC code: # 1 = 2h 14:25 # 2 = 2hrs, 14mins, 25.08sec


fs2 8 0^2 0^2n #Decimal, 2 place, omit decimal if whole number, non-modal


fmt 2 llen fmt 2 rlen fmt 2 llen_total fmt 2 rlen_total fmt 2 total fmt 2 ttltime fmt 4 thrs fmt 4 tmin fmt 8 tsec


ptime_calc !gcode$ llen = zero #Reset counter for next tool rlen = zero #Reset counter for next tool tltime = zero #Reset counter for next tool trtime = zero #Reset counter for next tool ttltime = zero #Reset counter for next tool if use_tch_pos, [ sav_X_Pos = x$, sav_Y_Pos = y$, sav_Z_Pos = z$ x$ = xh$, y$ = yh$, z$ = zh$ x$ = sav_X_Pos, y$ = sav_Y_Pos, z$ = sav_Z_Pos, ]


ptooldata #Total ending data for tool (Path Length and Times) llen_total = llen_total + llen #Keep running total for Program rlen_total = rlen_total + rlen #Keep running total for Program tot_ltime = tot_ltime + tltime #Total FEED time tot_rtime = tot_rtime + trtime #Total RAPID time ttltime = tltime + trtime #Calc. current Tool Time total = ttltime + total + tlchgtime #Calc. total Program Time


pthrminsec #Convert minutes to hr/min/sec format thrs = int(ttltime / 60) tmin = int(ttltime - thrs * 60) tsec = (ttltime - thrs * 60 - tmin) * 60


ptimeout #Output "times" pthrminsec #Convert minutes to hr/min/sec format if time_format = one, [ #Output 'HOURS' if thrs = one, *thrs, "hr, " if thrs > one, *thrs, "hrs, " #Output 'MINUTES' if tmin = one, *tmin, "min, " if tmin > one, *tmin, "min, " #Output 'SECONDS' if tsec > zero, *tsec, "sec" ] else, [ result = newfs(five, tsec) #Output 'HOURS' if thrs > one, *thrs, "h " #Output 'MINUTES' and 'SECONDS' *tmin, ":", *tsec ]


ptimer #Rapid time and length calc rlen = rlen + len #Running total RAPID length trtime = rlen / pst_rpd_fr$ #Running total RAPID time


ptimel #Feed time and length calc llen = llen + len tltime = tltime + len / fr_pos$


ptime_calc #Distance calculations # Delta Distances dx = x$ - prv_x$ dy = y$ - prv_y$ dz = z$ - prv_z$ # Distance at linear movement if gcode$ = zero | gcode$ = one, len = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2 + dz^2) # Distance at circular movement if gcode$ = two | gcode$ = three, len = (abs(sweep$)/360) * 2 * arcrad$ * pi$ # Distance at drilling if gcode$ = 81 | gcode$ = 100, [ if gcode$ = 100, ptime_drill_XY if drillcyc$ = 0, ptime_drill_0 # Simple Drill if drillcyc$ = 1, ptime_drill_1 # Peck Drill if drillcyc$ = 2, ptime_drill_2 # Chip Break Drill if drillcyc$ = 3, ptime_drill_3 # Tapping if drillcyc$ = 4, ptime_drill_4 # Bore, feed out, Reaming if drillcyc$ = 5, ptime_drill_4 # Bore, feed out, Reaming if drillcyc$ = 6, ptime_drill_4 # Bore, feed out, Reaming if drillcyc$ = 7, ptime_drill_4 # Back Bore, feed out, Reaming if drillcyc$ = 8, ptime_drill_0 # SAME movements as "Simple Drill" if drillcyc$ = 9, ptime_drill_0 # Muilt fine broing ] # Time calculations by feed type if gcode$ = zero, ptimer #RAPID time and length calc if gcode$ = one | gcode$ = two | gcode$ = three, ptimel #FEED time and length calc !x$, !y$, !z$, !fr_pos$ #Update previous [prv_?] variables


ptime_drill_0 # Simple Drill lengths # Move length with FEED, straight down to hole depth len = abs(refht$ - depth$) ptimel if initht$ <> refht$, # Move length with RAPID, IN & OUT of hole [ # Rapid between Initial & Retract, Move TO hole len = abs(initht$ - refht$) # Rapid between Initial & Depth, Move OUT of hole len = len + abs(initht$ - depth$) ptimer ] else, [ # Rapid between Retract & Depth, ONLY Move OUT of hole len = abs(refht$ - depth$) ptimer ] # Convert and add dwell$ seconds to total minutes if dwell$ <> zero, total = total + (dwell$ / 60)


ptime_drill_1 # Move length with FEED, hole depth drill_length_f = abs(refht$ - depth$) actual_drl_depth = peck1$ #if met_tool$, peck_safe_dist = peck_safe_dist * scale_mm while actual_drl_depth < drill_length_f, [ # FEED moves in hole len = peck1$ + peck_safe_dist ptimel # RAPID moves in hole len = (actual_drl_depth * 2) - peck_safe_dist ptimer actual_drl_depth = actual_drl_depth + peck1$ ] # Last cut, it's equal or less than peck1$ len = (drill_length_f - actual_drl_depth) + peck_safe_dist + peck1$ ptimel if initht$ <> refht$, # Move length with RAPID, IN & OUT of hole [ # Rapid between Initial & Retract, Move TO hole len = abs(initht$ - refht$) # Rapid between Initial & Depth, Move OUT of hole len = len + abs(initht$ - depth$) ptimer ] else, [ # Rapid between Retract & Depth, ONLY Move OUT of hole len = abs(refht$ - depth$) ptimer ] # Convert and add dwell$ seconds to total minutes if dwell$ <> zero, total = total + (dwell$ / 60)


ptime_drill_2 # Chip Break Drill # Move length with FEED, hole depth drill_length_f = abs(refht$ - depth$) actual_drl_depth = peck1$ #if met_tool$, peck_safe_dist = peck_safe_dist * scale_mm while actual_drl_depth < drill_length_f, [ # FEED moves in hole len = peck1$ + peck_safe_dist ptimel # RAPID moves in hole, only chip break moves - BACKWARD len = peck_safe_dist ptimer actual_drl_depth = actual_drl_depth + peck1$ ] # Last cut, it's equal or less than peck1$ len = (drill_length_f - actual_drl_depth) + peck_safe_dist + peck1$ ptimel if initht$ <> refht$, # Move length with RAPID, IN & OUT of hole [ # Rapid between Initial & Retract, Move TO hole len = abs(initht$ - refht$) # Rapid between Initial & Depth, Move OUT of hole len = len + abs(initht$ - depth$) ptimer ] else, [ # Rapid between Retract & Depth, ONLY Move OUT of hole len = abs(refht$ - depth$) ptimer ] # Convert and add dwell$ seconds to total minutes if dwell$ <> zero, total = total + (dwell$ / 60)


ptime_drill_3 # Tapping # Moving length added directly to "feed length" drill_length_f = (abs(refht$ - depth$)) * 2 llen = llen + drill_length_f # Moving time added directly to "Total FEED time", minutes tot_ltime = tot_ltime + ((drill_length_f / (feed / speed)) / speed) if initht$ <> refht$, # Move length with RAPID, IN & OUT of hole [ # Rapid between Initial & Retract, Move TO hole & OFF from hole len = (abs(initht$ - refht$)) * 2 ptimer ] # Convert and add dwell$ seconds to total minutes if dwell$ <> zero, total = total + (dwell$ / 60)


ptime_drill_4 # Bore, feed out, Reaming # Move length with FEED, hole depth len = (abs(refht$ - depth$)) * 2 + shftdrl$ ptimel if initht$ <> refht$, # Move length with RAPID, IN & OUT of hole [ # Rapid between Initial & Retract, Move TO hole & OFF from hole len = (abs(initht$ - refht$)) * 2 + shftdrl$ ptimer ] # Convert and add dwell$ seconds to total minutes if dwell$ <> zero, total = total + (dwell$ / 60)


ptime_drill_XY # Moves between additional points sav_gcode = gcode$ gcode$ = zero ptime_calc gcode$ = sav_gcode


psof$ #Start of file for non-zero tool number psetup


ptlchg$ #Tool change ptooldata #Total ending data for tool (Path Length and Times) psetup


pncoutput #Movement output ptime_calc


pdrlcommonb #Canned Drill Cycle common call, before ptime_calc


pcanceldc #Cancel canned drill cycle ptime_calc


peof$ #End of file for non-zero tool ptooldata #Total ending data for tool (Path Length and Times) "( *** Path Length/Time *** )", e$ "( Rapid Path Lengh = ", *rlen_total, punit, ")", e$ "( Feed Path Length = ", *llen_total, punit, ")", e $ ttltime = total #Transfer TOTAL program time "( Full Cycle Time = ", ptimeout, " )", e $ #Program Total time output ttltime = tot_rtime "( Full Rapid Time : ", ptimeout, " )", e$ ttltime = tot_ltime "( Full Feed Time : ", ptimeout, " )", e$


punit # System unit if met_tool$, "mm" else, "In"


标签: Total
