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applicable (??pl?k?b?l; ??pl?k?-) adj


capable of being applied; having relevance

=appropriate, fitting, fit, suited, useful, suitable, relevant, to the point, apt, pertinent, befitting, apposite, apropos, germane, to the purpose

≠wrong, irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, inapplicable

applicant (??pl?k?nt) n


a person who applies, as for a job, grant, support, etc

=candidate, entrant, claimant, suitor, petitioner, aspirant, inquirer, job-seeker, suppliant, postulant

application (??pl??ke???n) n

The act of putting into play:请求;申请

=employment, exercise, exertion, implementation, operation, play, usage, use, utilization.

The condition of being put to use:应用;实施

=duty, employment, service, use, utilization.

A program that gives a computer instructions that provide the user with tools to accomplish a task:应用程序

=application program, applications programme

A diligent effort:勤奋


appoint (??p??nt) v.t.

To select for an office or position:任命,指定

=designate, make, name, nominate, tap.

≠fire, dismiss, sack (informal), discharge, give the sack (informal), give someone his or her P45

=decide, set, choose, establish, determine, settle, fix, arrange, specify, assign, designate, allot 【约定】We met at the time appointed.我们在约定的时间见面。



well suited for the purpose

=appropriate, fitting, suited, suitable, relevant, proper, to the point, apt, applicable, pertinent, befitting, apropos, germane, to the purpose, appertaining

≠irrelevant, inappropriate, unsuitable, unsuited, inapplicable, inapt

appraise (??pre?z) v.t.-praised,-praising.

to determine the worth, esp. monetary value, of.【鉴定】

=assess, evaluate, valuate, value, measure

consider in a comprehensive way

He appraised the situation carefully before acting他在行动前仔细评估了情况

appreciable (??pri????b?l; -??b?l) adj


sufficient to be easily seen, measured, or noticed

=significant, marked, obvious, considerable, substantial, visible, evident, pronounced, definite, noticeable, clear-cut, discernible, measurable, material, recognizable, detectable, perceptible, distinguishable, ascertainable, perceivable

≠small, minute, minor, invisible, trivial, insignificant, negligible, indistinguishable, immaterial, imperceptible, undetectable, unnoticeable, indiscernible, unsubstantial, inappreciable

appreciate (??pri????e?t; -s?-) vb (mainly tr)

be grateful for【感激】

enjoy, like, value, regard, respect, prize, admire, treasure, esteem, relish, cherish, savour, rate highly【欣赏】

apprehend (??pr??h?nd)

to take into custody as a prisoner:【拘留】

=arrest, seize.

anticipate with dread or anxiety【焦虑;恐惧】

get the meaning of something【理解】

=accept, catch (on), compass, comprehend, conceive, fathom, follow, get, grasp, make out, read, see, sense, take, take in, understand.

apprehensive (??pr??h?ns?v)

fearful or anxious【害怕的】

=afraid, aghast, fearful, fearsome, funky, panicky.

quick to understand【有眼见的】


apprentice (??pr?nt?s)


works for an expert to learn a trade【学徒】

=trainee, student, pupil, novice, beginner, learner, neophyte, tyro, probationer

≠expert, master, pro, ace (informal), adept, boffin (Brit. informal), past master, dab hand (Brit. informal), fundi (S. African)


be or work as an apprentice【做学徒】

apprise (??pra?z)or apprize vb


(often foll by: of) to make aware; inform【inform (somebody) of something】【通知】

=apprize, notify, send word, give notice, advise


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