下面,你可以找到显示标准算法和带有range的替代版本的例子。它们说明了一些基本概念,并尽量不使用高级的range组成或视图。我们将按照在cppreference/algorithms找到的顺序进行,在这一部分,我们将介绍 "非修改序列操作"。
1. all_of, any_of, none_of
int main() {
const std::vector nums = {1, 2, 3, -4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
auto is_positive = [](const auto& v) { return v > 0; };
// standard version:
auto res = std::all_of(begin(nums), end(nums), is_positive);
std::cout << "std::all_of: " << res << '\n';
res = std::any_of(begin(nums), end(nums), is_positive);
std::cout << "std::any_of: " << res << '\n';
// ranges version:
res = std::ranges::all_of(nums, is_positive);
std::cout << "std::ranges::all_of: " << res << '\n';
res = std::ranges::any_of(nums, is_positive);
std::cout << "std::ranges::any_of: " << res << '\n';
struct Product {
std::string name_;
double value_ { 0.0 };
int main() {
const std::vector
{ "box", 10.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"none", -1.0}
auto is_positive = [](const auto& v) { return v > 0; };
auto is_positive_val = [](const Product& p) {
return p.value_ > 0;
// standard version:
auto res = std::all_of(begin(prods), end(prods), is_positive_val);
std::cout << "std::all_of: " << res << '\n';
res = std::any_of(begin(prods), end(prods), is_positive_val);
std::cout << "std::any_of: " << res << '\n';
// ranges version:
res = std::ranges::all_of(prods, is_positive, &Product::value_);
std::cout << "std::ranges::all_of: " << res << '\n';
res = std::ranges::any_of(prods, is_positive, &Product::value_);
std::cout << "std::ranges::any_of: " << res << '\n';
在range版本中,我们仍然可以使用is_positive,一个通用的谓词,但我使用了一个投影,它只 "接受 "Product::value_并将其传入谓词。在标准情况下,我不得不写一个自定义的lambda来识别Product的类型。
2. for_each
struct Product {
std::string name_;
double value_ { 0.0 };
int main() {
const std::vector
{ "box", 10.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"none", -1.0}
auto out = [](const auto& v) { std::cout << v << ", "; };
// standard version:
std::cout << "std::for_each: \n";
std::for_each(begin(prods), end(prods), [](const Product& p){
std::cout << p.name_ << ", " << p.value_ << '\n';
std::cout << "std::for_each only names reverse: \n";
std::for_each(rbegin(prods), rend(prods), [](const Product& p){
std::cout << p.name_ << '\n';
// ranges version:
std::cout << "std::ranges::for_each: \n";
std::ranges::for_each(prods, [](const Product& p) {
std::cout << p.name_ << ", " << p.value_ << '\n';
std::cout << "std::ranges::for_each only names in reverse: \n";
std::ranges::for_each(prods | std::views::reverse,
out, &Product::name_);
// standard:
std::for_each(std::execution::par, begin(prods), end(prods), /*...*/);
// no ranges version...
// std::ranges::for_each(std::execution::par, prods, /*... */); // doesn't compile...
3. count_if
在下面的例子中,我们将计算名称以 "no "开头的Product。
struct Product {
std::string name_;
double value_ { 0.0 };
int main() {
const std::vector
{ "box", 10.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"none", -1.0},
{ "car", 1000.0 }, {"toy", 40.0}, {"none", 0.0}
// standard version:
auto res = std::count_if(begin(prods), end(prods), [](const Product& p){
return p.name_.starts_with("no");
std::cout << "std::count_if: " << res << '\n';
// ranges version:
res = std::ranges::count_if(prods, [](const Product& p) {
return p.name_.starts_with("no");
std::cout << "std::ranges::count_if: " << res << '\n';
// alternative version for "none":
res = std::ranges::count(prods, std::string{"none"}, &Product::name_);
std::cout << "std::ranges::count: " << res << '\n';
这个例子显示了三种方法,最后一种使用了一个投影,只检查Product::name_数据成员。在这个方法中,我们精确地搜索 "none",所以它比starts_with更严格。
4. find_if
struct Product {
std::string name_;
double value_ { 0.0 };
int main() {
const std::vector
{ "box", 10.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"rocket", .0},
{ "car", 1000.0 }, {"toy", 40.0}, {"none", 0.0}
// standard version:
auto it = std::find_if(begin(prods), end(prods), [](const Product& p){
return p.name_.starts_with("ro");
if (it != end(prods))
std::cout << "std::find_if: " << it->name_ << '\n';
// ranges version:
auto res = std::ranges::find_if(prods, [](const Product& p) {
return p.name_.starts_with("ro");
if (res != end(prods))
std::cout << "std::ranges::find_if: " << res->name_ << '\n';
像其他算法一样,也有一个 "常规 "版本,你可以传递两个迭代器。
it = std::ranges::find_if(begin(prods), end(prods), [](const Product& p) {
return p.name_.starts_with("ro");
struct Product {
std::string name_;
double value_ { 0.0 };
return {
{ "box", 10.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"rocket", .0},
{ "car", 1000.0 }, {"toy", 40.0}, {"none", 0.0}
int main() {
auto it = std::ranges::find_if(GetProds(), [](const Product& p) {
return p.name_.starts_with("ro");
std::cout << "std::ranges::find_if: " << it->name_ << '\n';
error: base operand of '->' has non-pointer type 'std::ranges::dangling'
22 | std::cout << "std::ranges::find_if: " << it->name_ << '\n';
| ^~
5. find_first_of
struct Product {
std::string name_;
double value_ { 0.0 };
friend bool operator==(const Product& a, const Product& b) {
return a.name_ == b.name_ && abs(a.value_ - b.value_) < 0.0001;
int main() {
const std::vector
{ "box", 10.0 }, {"default", 0.0 }, {"tv", 100.0}, {"rocket", .0},
{ "car", 1000.0 }, {"toy", 40.0}, {"none", 0.0 }, { "ball", 40.0 }
const std::vector
{"default", 0.0 }, {"none", 0.0 }
// standard version:
auto it = std::find_first_of(begin(prods), end(prods), begin(invalids), end(invalids));
if (it != end(prods)) {
std::cout << "std::find_first_of: " << it->name_ << " at: "
<< std::distance(begin(prods), it) <<'\n';
auto it2 = std::find_first_of(std::next(it), end(prods), begin(invalids), end(invalids));
if (it2 != end(prods))
std::cout << "std::find_first_of: " << it2->name_ << " at: "
<< std::distance(begin(prods), it2) <<'\n';
// ranges version:
const std::array
auto res = std::ranges::find_first_of(prods, arrInvalids,
std::ranges::equal_to{}, &Product::name_);
if (res != end(prods)) {
const auto pos = std::distance(begin(prods), res);
std::cout << "std::ranges::find_first_of: " << res->name_
<< " at: " << pos <<'\n';
auto res2 = std::ranges::find_first_of(prods | std::views::drop(pos+1), arrInvalids,
std::ranges::equal_to{}, &Product::name_);
if (res2 != end(prods)) {
std::cout << "std::ranges::find_first_of: " << res2->name_
<< " at: " << std::distance(begin(prods), res2) <<'\n';
std::find_first_of需要两对迭代器。我想在例子中的prod序列中找到 "无效的 "product。因为我在比较product,所以我必须为我的结构定义operator==。另外,我可以提供一个二进制操作,然后只比较名称。
auto cmpNames = [](const Product& a, const Product& b) {
return a.name_ == b.name_;
auto it = std::find_first_of(begin(prods), end(prods),
begin(invalids), end(invalids), cmpNames);
if (it != end(prods)) {
// ...
const std::array
auto res = std::ranges::find_first_of(prods, arrInvalids,
std::ranges::equal_to{}, &Product::name_);
auto res2 = std::ranges::find_first_of(prods | std::views::drop(pos+1),
arrInvalids, std::ranges::equal_to{}, &Product::name_);
auto res2 = std::ranges::find_first_of(std::next(res), end(prods),
begin(arrInvalids), end(arrInvalids),
std::ranges::equal_to{}, &Product::name_);
6. mismatch
int main() {
const std::string firstStr = "Hello Super World";
const std::string secondStr = "Hello Amazing World";
std::cout << "mismatch for " << std::quoted(firstStr)
<< " and " << std::quoted(secondStr) << '\n';
// standard version:
auto [first, second] = std::mismatch(begin(firstStr), end(firstStr), begin(secondStr));
const auto pos = std::distance(begin(firstStr), first);
std::cout << "std::mismatch: at pos " << pos << '\n';
// ranges version:
auto res = std::ranges::mismatch(firstStr, secondStr);
const auto pos = std::distance(begin(firstStr), res.in1);
std::cout << "std::ranges::mismatch: at pos " << pos << '\n';
using mismatch_result = ranges::in_in_result
Unlike std::pair and std::tuple, this class template has data members of meaningful names.
auto [n1, n2] = std::ranges::mismatch(firstStr, secondStr);
const auto pos = std::distance(begin(firstStr), n1);
std::cout << "std::ranges::mismatch: at pos " << pos << '\n';
7. search
int main() {
const std::string testString = "Hello Super World";
const std::string needle = "Super";
std::cout << "looking for " << std::quoted(needle)
<< " in " << std::quoted(testString) << '\n';
// standard version:
auto it = std::search(testString.begin(), testString.end(),
std::boyer_moore_searcher(needle.begin(), needle.end()));
if (it != testString.end()) {
const auto pos = std::distance(testString.begin(), it);
std::cout << "std::search: found at pos " << pos << '\n';
// ranges version:
auto res = std::ranges::search(testString, needle);
if (!res.empty()) {
const auto first = std::distance(testString.begin(), res.begin());
const auto last = std::distance(testString.begin(), res.end());
std::cout << "std::ranges::search: found between "
<< first << " and " << last << '\n';
// ranges version:
const std::string testString2 = "hello abc world";
const std::string needle2 = "ABC";
std::cout << "looking for " << std::quoted(needle2) << " in "
<< std::quoted(testString2) << '\n';
res = std::ranges::search(testString2, needle2,
std::ranges::equal_to{}, ::toupper, ::toupper);
if (!res.empty())
const auto first = std::distance(testString2.begin(), res.begin());
const auto last = std::distance(testString2.begin(), res.end());
std::cout << "std::ranges::search: found between "
<< first << " and " << last << '\n';
另一个函数 ranges::search_n可以方便地在输入范围内找到一个给定值的N个出现次数。
int main() {
const std::string sequence = "CTGCCCAGGGTTT";
const char letter = 'C';
const size_t count = 3;
std::cout << "looking for " << count << " "
<< letter << "'s in " << std::quoted(sequence) << '\n';
// standard version:
auto it = std::search_n(begin(sequence), end(sequence), count, letter);
if (it != end(sequence))
const auto pos = std::distance(begin(sequence), it);
std::cout << "std::search_n: found at pos " << pos << '\n';
// ranges version:
auto res = std::ranges::search_n(sequence, count, letter);
if (!res.empty())
const auto first = std::distance(begin(sequence), res.begin());
const auto last = std::distance(begin(sequence), res.end());
std::cout << "std::ranges::search_n: found between "
<< first << " and " << last << '\n';
在这篇文章中,我们涵盖了非修改性操作类别中的七种不同的算法 "类型":检查所有/无/部分元素的一些谓词,搜索,查找,一般迭代。总共有超过10个不同的例子。
ranges算法提供了一种更简单的方法来传递 "整个 "容器--只有一个参数,而不是传递给迭代器。它们也允许投影,并且有办法检测到临时范围的迭代器。它们也有局限性,比如缺乏高级搜索器或并行执行模式。
标签: 算法