
快鱼网 19 0





Const g_conString = " Provider=MSDASQL.1;Persist Security Info=False;Data Source=SQL_KEP;Initial Catalog=SQL_KEP" '链接数据库

Private Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal X As Long, ByVal Y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long

Private Declare Function GetWindowText Lib "user32" Alias "GetWindowTextA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal cch As Long) As Long

Dim g_where As String

Dim g_where2 As String

Dim g_startDate As String

Dim g_mou As Boolean

Dim zou As Boolean

Dim yue As Boolean

Private Sub dayreport(i As Integer) '月报表数据

Dim strsql

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

Dim record As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

cn.Open g_conString

Set record = New ADODB.Recordset

st = Str(Date)

g_where = "tt>='" + Str(DateAdd("d", -1, st)) + " 0:20:0' and tt<='" + st + " 0:30:50'"

strsql = "select avg(t1),avg(t2),avg(t3),avg(t4),avg(t5),avg(t6),avg(t7),avg(t8),avg(t9),avg(t10),avg(t11),avg(t12),avg(t13),avg(t14),avg(t15),avg(t16),avg(t17),avg(t18) from tt1 where " + g_where


record.Open strsql, cn

If record.EOF = False Then

V1 = Format(record.Fields(0).Value, "0.00")

V2 = Format(record.Fields(1).Value, "0.00")

V3 = Format(record.Fields(2).Value, "0.00")

V4 = Format(record.Fields(3).Value, "0.00")

V5 = Format(record.Fields(4).Value, "0.00")

V6 = Format(record.Fields(5).Value, "0.00")

V7 = Format(record.Fields(6).Value, "0.00")

V8 = Format(record.Fields(7).Value, "0.00")

V9 = Format(record.Fields(8).Value, "0.00")

V10 = Format(record.Fields(9).Value, "0.00")

V11 = Format(record.Fields(10).Value, "0.00")

V12 = Format(record.Fields(11).Value, "0.00")

V13 = Format(record.Fields(12).Value, "0.00")

V14 = Format(record.Fields(13).Value, "0.00")

V15 = Format(record.Fields(14).Value, "0.00")

V16 = Format(record.Fields(15).Value, "0.00")

V17 = Format(record.Fields(16).Value, "0.00")

V18 = Format(record.Fields(17).Value, "0.00")

End If

Set record = Nothing

Set record = New ADODB.Recordset

strsql = "insert INTO tt2 (tt,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18 ) VALUES ('" + Str(DateAdd("d", -1, st)) + "','" + V1 + "','" + V2 + "','" + V3 + "','" + V4 + "','" + V5 + "','" + V6 + "','" + V7 + "','" + V8 + "','" + V9 + "','" + V10 + "','" + V11 + "','" + V12 + "','" + V13 + "','" + V14 + "','" + V15 + "','" + V16 + "','" + V17 + "','" + V18 + "')"

'MsgBox strsql

record.Open strsql, cn


Set record = Nothing


Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub moureport(i As Integer) '年报表

Dim strsql

Dim cn As ADODB.Connection

Dim record As ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection

cn.Open g_conString

Set record = New ADODB.Recordset

st = Str(Date)

g_where = "tt>='" + Str(DateAdd("m", -1, st)) + " 0:0:0' and tt<='" + st + " 0:30:50'"

strsql = "select avg(t1),avg(t2),avg(t3),avg(t4),avg(t5),avg(t6),avg(t7),avg(t8),avg(t9),avg(t10),avg(t11),avg(t12),avg(t13),avg(t14),avg(t15) ,avg(t16),avg(t17),avg(t18)from tt2 where " + g_where


record.Open strsql, cn

If record.EOF = False Then

V1 = Format(record.Fields(0).Value, "0.00")

V2 = Format(record.Fields(1).Value, "0.00")

V3 = Format(record.Fields(2).Value, "0.00")

V4 = Format(record.Fields(3).Value, "0.00")

V5 = Format(record.Fields(4).Value, "0.00")

V6 = Format(record.Fields(5).Value, "0.00")

V7 = Format(record.Fields(6).Value, "0.00")

V8 = Format(record.Fields(7).Value, "0.00")

V9 = Format(record.Fields(8).Value, "0.00")

V10 = Format(record.Fields(9).Value, "0.00")

V11 = Format(record.Fields(10).Value, "0.00")

V12 = Format(record.Fields(11).Value, "0.00")

V13 = Format(record.Fields(12).Value, "0.00")

V14 = Format(record.Fields(13).Value, "0.00")

V15 = Format(record.Fields(14).Value, "0.00")

V16 = Format(record.Fields(15).Value, "0.00")

V17 = Format(record.Fields(16).Value, "0.00")

V18 = Format(record.Fields(17).Value, "0.00")

End If

Set record = Nothing

Set record = New ADODB.Recordset

strsql = "insert INTO tt3 (tt,t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10,t11,t12,t13,t14,t15,t16,t17,t18 ) VALUES ('" + Str(DateAdd("d", -1, st)) + "','" + V1 + "','" + V2 + "','" + V3 + "','" + V4 + "','" + V5 + "','" + V6 + "','" + V7 + "','" + V8 + "','" + V9 + "','" + V10 + "','" + V11 + "','" + V12 + "','" + V13 + "','" + V14 + "','" + V15 + "','" + V16 + "','" + V17 + "','" + V18 + "')"

'MsgBox strsql

record.Open strsql, cn


Set record = Nothing


Set cn = Nothing

End Sub

Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

If Hour(Now()) = 0 And g_mou = False Then

dayreport (1) '调用月报表插入数据

g_mou = True

End If

If Hour(Now()) = 0 And Day(Now()) = 1 And yue = False Then

moureport (1) '调用年报表插入数据

yue = True

End If

If Hour(Now()) > 0 Then

g_mou = False

yue = False

zou = False

End If

End Sub

标签: ByVal
