a.) “开始”->“控制面板”->“网络和拨号连接”
b.) 双击“本地连接 1”
c.) 点击 “属性”
d.) 双击“Internet 协议(TCP/IP)”
e.)选择 “使用下面的 IP地址:”
f.) 输入 “IP 地址” (for ASMS)
g.) 输入 “子网掩码:”
h.) 点击“确定”
i.) 再次点击“确定”
j.) 检查 asms.cfg 文件, with version
如果是外部 GPS (ApplAnix POS)其内容应为:
如果是内部GARMIN 接收机,其内容应为:
若配备有附加的PCMCIA网卡(Xircom, 3Com),POS AV可以与ASMS应用程序运行在同一个笔记本计算机上
此时用于POS AV的网络连接2的设置应为:
若没有配备附加的PCMCIA网卡,POS AV系统只能在独立的笔记本上运行。其默认值为129.100.0.231,
- 检查笔记本的电源是否连接到电源分配器,避免只使用电池导致飞行过程中电池电压过低引起停机。
- 检查笔记本-ASMS-实时控制器的连接。
- 检查Applanix 中PC卡的内存容量及可读取性(格式化时确认使用FAT格式,不能用FAT32或NTFS!!!)
- 检查IMU-PCS之间的电缆连接。
- 打开 Applanix PCS的电源,启动后其控制面板上的LED显示应为如下状态:
- SYSTEM: 绿灯闪烁 (=系统工作正常, 但尚未达到所要求的精度)
- LAN Tx: 若与笔记本(POS AV软件)正确连接则绿灯闪烁,否则红灯亮。(独立运行红灯亮为正常)
- IMU: 必须是绿灯否则或为未连接或为有故障。万万不可在系统带电的情况下连接或断开任何电缆,否则有可能导致严重损坏(网线除外)!!!
- GPS: 当多于4个星时黄灯亮。solid yellow, when more than 4 SV’s in view. (only green when DGPS connected, e.g. Omnistar)
- PPS: 绿灯闪烁 (间隔1秒, 由GPS接收机驱动)
- 打开DMC相机盖。
- 接通ASMS实时控制器电源,注意:当T-AS紧急开关处于开的状态时(正常工作状态),T-AS将会启动并动作10秒钟左右。(紧急开关盒上的红灯闪烁)。注意此时相机附近要有足够的空间,不要靠近相机,尤其是在打开T-AS时!!!否则有可能会对人体造成严重伤害!!!切记不要将手指靠近T-AS!!!
- 相继打开MDR1,2,3的电源,检查RAID控制器上的状态显示,确保不能有红灯亮。
- 打开相机电源。
- 启动ASMS应用程序
- 看一下状态及事件显示display:
- “RTB connected” 响应连接
- “Port ..6 connected” 端口……连接
- “Realtime subsystem connected” 实时子系统连接
- “Real Time Video connected” 实时视频连接
- “SUCCESS: RTB connected” 成功响应连接
- 选择“NEW”在数据库中建立一个新的项目或“Open”一个已经存在的项目。
- 检查项目的属性Check project properties on plausibility (e.g. no 30% end-lap and 60% side-lap, etc.)
- 检查是否以下连接的设备已就绪:
- “TAS found and initialized”
- “GPS connected”
- “DMC connected”
- “DMC standby”
- “DMC switching to ready”
- “DMC ready for operations” 应该每步要出现.
- 此时系统才真正就绪
POS 测试
- 当状态绿色灯闪烁。。GPS黄灯亮(参见上面)
- 按“LOG DATA”两次(3秒以内)。
- 稍过片刻按键内的绿色LED必须亮。它表示成功完成对PC-卡的写入。.
- 启动POS AV软件。(状态显示窗中显示GPS配置,精度及存储卡容量)
T-AS 测试
- 在ASMS菜单中按“DMC”键。
- 在DMC窗口中按“T-AS off”键。
- 改变使它变为 ?T-AS on“, 现在这装配台应该稳定.
- 按 ?MT Aut“, 切换到 ?MT Man“
- 检查旋偏控制并按 ?Left“ 和 ?Right“ 按钮, 检验 T-AS 的运动曲线.
- 按 ?DMC“ 和 “T-AS on”, 稳定后置于关闭状态.
DMC 测试
- 打开 “DMC”, 相机控制窗口, 在那里按下 “PFM OFF”.
- 等待 “DMC switched to photo flight” 重要的信息出现在信息框里. “PFM ON” 出现.
- 按 “Photo” 表示单个的曝光.
- 检查 MDR’的黄色指示灯是不是闪的和 LCD显示的是否是准备写入的状态,依次检查 MDR 1,2 ,3.
- In POS AV software the event counter must increment, by step 1 not 0 not more! 如果不正常检查电缆check cable PCS/DIO 端口port to ASMS RTC MEP out/Ext. Sync!
- Repeat a couple of times.
- No error messages should be displayed on ASMS event view, no in RAID controller display.
- After that press “PFM ON” and wait for “DMC photo flight off”.
- Press “App” and “Close”, project will be closed.
- Switch off DMC. ASMS software and RTC may be switched on.
- Switch off MDR 1, 2 and 3 in any case for take-off and landing!!!
- Park aircraft before take-off for 10 min. in an area far away from high buildings, bigger planes and radar antennas to avoid interference and multi path effects! Record GPS 10 min. GPS data before start. This is essential to resolve ambiguities in post-processing. Again check the yellow GPS LED. This is also helpful for missions in areas around about 100kms with second base station.
- For very far projects more than 100km this ground recording is not essential. In this case an in-air-alignment must be performed before and after the mission (5 min. straight flight over the local base-station, “S”-turn, do your mission, “S”-turn, 5min. straight flight,.. go back!)
- “Ready for take-off“ Again make sure that MDR’s are off, camera door closed.
Photo flight
Power up devices
- Open camera door.
- Power up MDR 1, 2, 3.
- Switch on DMC.
- Open ASMS project.
- Disable “MNT AUT” for manual drift control ->”MNT MAN”.
- Check messages in event viewer (same as before) T-AS, GPS, DMC etc. ?connected“
- Video is visible, GPS moves the aircraft symbol.
- Press “Exp” button.
- Press “FLP OFF” for activating the ?Flight Line Processing“, this activates the system e.g. displays the first flight line on pilot display. The direction of mission area is indicated. BUT THIS SYSTEM IS NOT AN APPROVED NAVIGATION SYSTEM FOR AIR TRAFFIC!!!
Always use other methods to navigate the aircraft.
Mission Area
- Flight lines can be selected with ?up“ or ?down“ or in a graphical way. With graphical method the selected line has to be confirmed with right mouse button.
- The flight line direction has to be changed with “180“ button if required.
- Distance and speed units can be changed with “US”/”M”.
- When “Alt calc” displays “0” no moving features can be detected by the real time video due to low contrast or poor light conditions on ground. In this case the v/h value will be calculated automatically using vGPS/(hGPS,MSL-hplanned average ground elevation).
- The automatic drift control is in actual version not accurate enough for proper operation. Therefore ?MT Aut“ has to be disabled. ?MT Man“ appears instead (for manual drift control).
- The selected flight line is indicated with a thick white line. As soon the aircraft approaches it chances to thick red.
- If it does not, check if FLP is disabled.
- When line is red the pilot display changes from far zoom mode to fine zoom, the T-AS stabilizes and the drift correction is active corresponding to the selected drift value on ASMS screen.
- In the area/time gap ?line became red to the first planned image the operator should have selected the proper drift angle. Watch on video screen significant items how they move from top to bottom. Adjust the drift in that way that there’s no vertical movement of these items anymore (traditional view finder method) and/or with running POS AV application adjust the drift in that kind that ?Heading“ and ?Track“ have the same angle within 1° range. Avoid on flight line significant changes in drift correction, only some fine adjustment (1° steps) might be done if necessary.
- Sign rule how to work with POS AV values:
- Example:
- e.g.:Heading = 93.734° Track = 89.263°
Press 3x“Left“ for 3° adjustment
Continue Observing heading and track: if necessary optimise in steps of 1°.
Take into account that changes in heading and track won’t be displayed in real time. Therefore do a careful correction in small steps.
An average matching of these values is the goal. This leads to an accuracy of almost less than one degree drift offset.
- After leaving the line the T-AS returns to stand-by, kappa comes back to zero.
Switch off sequence
- Press “App” and “Close” (closes project) or “Exit” (closes project and finishes ASMS application).
- Switch of DMC .
- Switch off MDR 1,2,3.
- With optional AOPV software a quality check can be performed:
- Launch AOPV. Open file C:\Project folder\Project name.mdb. The ?Video thumbnails“ *.bmp should be available in the same project folder (do not change)
- After landing log again 10min. of GPS data.
- Press ?LOG data“ twice to terminate data logging.
- Wait further 10s after the green log LED gets off before switching off the PCS completely.
ASMS shortcut keys when situation display is active:
CTRL-A center to aircraft
CTRL-R center and zoom to project
Cursor up/down/left/right panning
Shift Cursor up zoom in
Shift Cursor down zoom out
Project name:
Planned Flying Altitude above Ground (AGL):
Planned Flying Altitude above sea (AMSL):
POS start time:
Landing time:
POS Stop/Power Off Time
ASMS Mission recording Date:
I.) System power up ground test
Start time:
Finish time:
System Status OP NONOP
NONOP status explanation:
II) Airborne initialization
Start time:
Finish time:
System Status OP NONOP
NONOP status explanation:
III) Flight line processing FL#:
Start time:
Finish time:
Exposure cycle:
System Processing OK NONOK
DRIFT Observation OK NONOK
Heading Observation OK NONOK
CALC Alt Observation OK NONOK
All Images processed OK NONOK
NONOK status explanation (error messages, error indication, describe nature of failure):
标签: 连接
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